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Monday, 8 January 2024

AI and the science writer.

Originally published in Nature: 

And... the first to openly use AI to write a Nature article 

ChatGPT may not yet give us sparkling prose and only delivered “generic fluff” when it asked to write grant application text by John Tregoning. But it can      free scientists up to focus on more stimulating writing tasks, he says.

 Many of us have already been trying ChatGPT. If you’ve checked science-social-media recently, it’s likely you’ve already seen many of its writings. In common with many other researchers I worry about AI replacing me. I’m a vaccine researcher and spend much of my time writing grants,      papers and      articles about science careers, so I set it the task of writing an opinion piece about the use of AI in grant writing.

 In less than a minute ChatGPT produced the following:

In my opinion, ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the process of writing scientific grants. Traditionally, writing a scientific grant has been a time-consuming and often frustrating process. Researchers spend countless hours crafting proposals, only to have them rejected by funding agencies. This can be demoralizing, and it can also be a barrier to progress in scientific research. ChatGPT has the potential to change all of this. By using natural language processing and machine learning, ChatGPT can help researchers write more compelling and effective grant proposals. It can also help reviewers assess grant proposals more efficiently, allowing for a more efficient and fair grant review process. Of course, ChatGPT is not a magic solution to all of the challenges facing scientific research. But it has the potential to make a real difference, and it is worth exploring as a tool for improving the grant writing and review process.

Which, as the journal editor says is pretty good for an AI, but not good enough to consider publishing as a standalone piece of writing. It is, however, a massive step forwards. The simplicity and utility of platforms such as ChatGPT means that we’ll see them quickly drifting into everyday use; Microsoft is already working closely with OpenAI, the company that developed ChatGPT– and you may already be using an AI platform to help you with some writing tasks. At the time of writing (February 2023), ChatGPT was freely available, but things are moving extremely fast, so it is hard to know where things are heading.


The text here isn’t my first use of AI for science writing. My first real use of AI chat bots (beyond asking it to write lyrics to a song called ‘Eggy Eggy Woof Woof’ for my daughter) was when I got fed up of writing one part of a grant. I was asked to explain the world-changing ‘impact’ my science would have, if I was lucky enough to receive funding.


So I asked ChatGPT: ‘What impact could vaccine research have?’ and got 250 words of generic fluff. It suggested: reducing the burden of disease, saving lives, improving global health and supporting economic development. None of what it said was in any way original or enormously surprising, but it was an excellent starting point, that I could then flesh out with specifics.


So far I’ve found AI to be enormously helpful at generating a lot of the low-level filler documents that otherwise take up time. For example, it can write easy, generic, on-the-one-hand-this-but-on-the-other-that statements about internet usage policy or data management. However, as it’s still early days much more thought needs to go into exploring what using AI means with regards to plagiarism and attributing credit – one issue is that the source documents that trained it are owned by someone.


One example where I have found it extremely useful is writing multiple choice questions. I found it relatively easy to write the question and the right answer, but coming up with 3 plausibly wrong answers is tricky. I found that if I prompted ChatGPT with the following: ‘write a multi choice answer about ‘topic of interest’ with 4 answers, and not using all of the above as an option’ it came up with good wrong answers. This was incredibly helpful. And as someone suggested on twitter – if students are going to use ChatGPT to help them write answers, we might as well use it to set the questions!

As another example, I entered the prompt ‘Write a diversity statement for a grant application’. The output starts:


Diversity is a core value at our organization and we are committed to promoting and maintaining an inclusive and equitable environment for all individuals.


And continues for 169 words that were generic to the point of meaningless. Anyone can write this and it requires no evidence or backing. Instead, it’s better for the form to ask questions that an AI can’t answer, like: “give examples of how your organisation is promoting diversity and evidence of the impact these activities have had.” This could be applied to a whole range of different questions that we are forced to answer.


This made me reflect: if there is a section in a grant application that can be written by an AI then does that section really serve any purpose? If a computer can churn up something deeply generic that still answers the question (more or less), why are we asking people to address the question at all? I think the answer is clear: these sections never really did serve a purpose and certainly don’t now. For science and the process of grant writing to be improved, two things need to happen, one – the needless sections (that can’t pass a writer’s Turing test, or in other words, can’t be recognised as being written by a human) are removed; and two – the sections that remain are changed in scope to be shorter and be action centred.


For now though, while we are forced to fill in unnecessary boxes on forms, AI offers a way to free up headspace, which should be a good thing. In an article last month about the pace of science disruption slowing down [] one of the suggestions was that academics needed ‘the gift of time’. AI could well give us this gift.


The question is then how do we use the time given? One comparator is the automatic washing machine as it became universal in the 1970’s – it freed up time, which was then replaced with other household tasks. The sociologist Joann Vanek argued in 1974 that in spite of new household devices, there was no change in the time devoted to housework in the past half century Her argument has been debated since then, but the key question is what impact do time saving devices have? Are we going to fill the time saved by AI with other low value tasks or will it free us to be more disruptive in our thinking and doing?


I have some unrealistically high hopes of what AI can deliver. I want low-engagement tasks to take up less of my working day, allowing me to do more of what I need to do to thrive (thinking, writing, discussing science with colleagues). And then because I don’t have a Sisyphean to-do list I go home earlier because I have got more of the thinking, writing, and discussing done in working hours rather than fitting them around the edges.


We are unlikely to arrive at these sunlit uplands without some disruption. Just as domestic appliances significantly shrank the need for domestic staff, AI is going to change the labour market. For some tasks, AI will replace people. The aim of the game is don’t do a job that can be replaced by an AI. To which end, hopefully, I have persuaded you that whilst AI can write, it isn’t immediately going to replace me. I’m not the only one to think this – the songwriter Nick Cave put it much more eloquently here Even if you’re not convinced that AI won’t make writers obsolete, one piece of good news in terms of not immediately replacing me, is that AI isn’t very good at telling jokes – I will leave you with its best effort:


Why was the math book sad?

Because it had too many problems.

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